Services We Offer

Online Safeguarding, Child Protection Services and Staff Training

Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is the systematic collection of information through a structured programme to determine if the individual presents any actual, potential or perceived risk to a child or young person.

It is the collection and analysis of information, from multiple sources, to determine the degree to which key-factors are or are not present that would increase the likelihood of future risk to a child or young person.

Both Static and Dynamic assessment tools are used to support our assessments.

We require the following in order for a Risk Assessment to be undertaken:

• Full access to case files and background information.
• Full co-operation for the person being assessed in order to undertake ‘in person’ interviews.
• Where appropriate and possible access to the assessed persons family.
• 2 to 3 months lead-time.

Please make contact today and let us give you a quote to undertake a risk assessment.

Case Management

If your organisation works with children, or has children involved, then it is vital that you have in place an effective child protection case management system. In order that you can you identify, refer and respond to concerns and risks.

Having worked in the field of case management for over 20 years, we know that it is one of the areas that many organisations struggle with. This is not helped when so many providers fail themselves to have the necessary skills to effectively and correctly help someone that has come to them for support and guidance.

Effective case management is much more than just having in place a computer database or spreadsheet. Cases need to be managed and decisions made.

• If you don’t already have a case management system in place, we will work with you, within your budget, to design and implement one.
• If you already have a case management system in place, we will undertake a full review of it and make any necessary recommendations for improvement or change.
• We offer an ongoing case management consultancy, which is tailored to your needs, ranging from total control of your case management process, to whatever involvement is necessary.
• We also manage for some organisations the Discipline process that can come about as part of case management action.

Please make contact today and let us give you the confidence to put in place a very effective and safe case management system.

Case Management

Reviews & Investigations

Having the capacity to undertake child protection investigations or reviews is vital for any organisation working with, or who has involvement with, children.

A fundamental element of any investigation is to ensure that they are carried out by a suitably experienced and qualified person that understands how your rules and procedures apply and what is the purpose of the review.

It certainly is not one size that fits all. Far too often we have seen poor investigations and reviews carried out by experienced people, because they don’t understand what the potential discipline breaches are.

This is where we have unique skills and experience, having worked in every sector, from sports organisations, churches, youth clubs, local authorities, education establishments & voluntary originations.

A good investigator will ensure that all evidence is collected and secured in a timely and appropriate manner from any witnesses, in order to establish any offences and where appropriate to prepare the necessary evidence to support any prosecution or disciplinary action.

Please make contact today and let us give you a quote to undertake an external investigation or review.

Contact Us

W.T. Associates Ltd is a registered company in England and Wales No. 06276210.

Registered Office

100 Berkshire Place,
Winnersh, Wokingham,
United Kingdom, RG41 5RD

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